I live in Georgia, and at press time we have about an inch and a half of snow on the ground. In my hometown it has not snowed for three years, so everybody was very happy when we were predicted to have 3-6 inches of snow. Once it get’s deep enough, I gonna build my first snowman, because it’s finally good for packing, so I’m gonna drill random people enjoying the snow with a snowball.
Texas has already seen an overperformance on the snow, because they were predicted to get 6 inches of snow, but they got a whole foot. The winter storm will be moving northeast, hitting the midwest for an hour, then exiting to sea.
Here are some pictures of my backyard that I took five minutes ago:
Great website! Can't wait to see what's next!
You might wish to research the conditions which lead to the apocalyptic fires in Los Angeles.
California has a history of drought/downpour years. After two atypically heavy rainy seasons, the greater Southern California area was covered with vegetation. Then this year there was no significant rain for 8 months. This created the perfect storm for the fires. (By the way, "Perfect Storm" is a great weather movie.) All the brush dried into tinder and any spark (a tossed cigarette, lighting, car accident with metal scraping against paving; even sunlight magnified by a soda bottle) could have started the fires.
Hollywood could have been destroyed. Look up "the Magic Castle" on X and Google Maps. Franklin Blvd backs up into hills covered by dense vegetation. The Magic Castle (look it up) was nearly destroyed because the fire approached within a few meters. If you look at Google Maps you'll see that Franklin is parallel to Hollywood Boulevard, aka The Hollywood Walk of Fame.